CTY Proctor Information Form

Please enter the information for the proctor who will administer the SCAT to your child. The proctor should be an educational professional such as an administrator, teacher, or counselor at your child's school. The proctor cannot be a family member or family friend
Fields marked as (*) are required.

Proctor Information

For example, counselor, teacher, or subject area or grade
Include country and area code, if applicable.

Student Information

This is provided to you after enrolling in the CTY Talent Search.
Last Name/Surname, First Name/Given Name

Parent Signature

Last Name/Surname, First Name/Given Name

I confirm that the above named proctor is an educational professional who is neither a family member nor a friend of my child(ren) or me.

Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature above.

By sharing information with the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) via this form, you agree to the privacy terms at: https://cty.jhu.edu/welcome/privstatement.html).